Pastor Jeffrey Nelson

Pastor Jeffrey Nelson grew up in the San Joaquin Valley of central California. He graduated from California State University, Fresno with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. In 1984 he earned a Master of Divinity degree from Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA. While in seminary, Pastor Jeffrey studied urban ministry at Wartburg’s “House of Urban Studies” in Denver, CO. After graduation, he served as a chaplain at Bethesda Hospital and Psychiatric Center in Denver, working with mentally ill teenagers. Pastor Nelson was ordained in 1985 and has served congregations in Wisconsin and southern California. He began serving St. Andrew Lutheran Church in June, 2019.

Pastor Jeffrey previously served as chair of the Transformational Ministry Team of the Southwest California Synod, which worked to help congregations become healthier. He has been a member of the Southwest California Synod Council, the Tri-Synod Board for Lutheran Campus Ministry, and the board for Lutheran Maritime Ministry in the harbor of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Pastor Jeffrey also served as the Spiritual Director for the Secretariats of Lutheran Cursillo of Southern California and Via de Cristo. He is the author of “Through the New Testament,” a Bible study program that leads individuals, groups, and congregations through the entire New Testament in one year. He and his wife, Sandy were married in 2018. Pastor Jeffrey enjoys woodworking, music (singing and trombone), gardening, baseball, movies, cross-stitch, and reading.



Director of Youth and Family Ministries



Office Administrator



Organist and Choir Director



Praise Team Director